The school is located in Nakabugo-Bbira just between God Cares S.S and Bbira Vocational Institute along Bagimu close. Administration are reachable at 0703 641137 and 0775 369724.
A survey on child safety, quality feeding, minimal school fees, convenience, and environment, security and quality education has placed Bagimu Pre School and Primary, a five year old school into number five position.
The school is located in Nakabugo-Bbira just between God Cares S.S and Bbira Vocational Institute along Bagimu close. Administration are reachable at 0703 641137 and 0775 369724.
“Owing to the determinants of a quality school, Bagimu became number five and this is based on the excellence instituted by the administration,” a research agency, Equitable education Uganda said in a report said.
A parent’s biggest concern at the time of enrolling children in a school is convenience. Parents seek for a school that is convenient to drop and pick up a child on way to or from work but if that is not possible, where a child can stay overnight or be picked late in case traffic had issues, all characteristics that were found in the winner schools.
Researchers looked at the fairness of school fees in comparison with other schools is very critical yet also the ratio between teacher and child interaction to enable academic attention.
On Safety and security Bagimu scores with its fencing and camera system, and controls on who picks up a child.
The environment, facilities and structures for Bagimu scored for their conduciveness for learning in both class and cumulatively. Yet pupil’s smartness and play materials enabled good scores.
“Any quality school must ensure visual learning, the use of television to encourage incidental learning where children learn through discovering. Indicators like swings, a play area were found to be in place and these help develop children’s mortar skills,” the researchers said in their report.
The selected schools also boast of quality facilities and structures and availability of covid19 control programs-water and enough hand washing places.
“Facilities like classrooms, toilets, sleeping area, and the general environment around the school- the lighting and ventilation of classes and the class arrangement that allow seating, and for on-floor activities is classic. The diet of the children were found to be classic,” researchers added.
Yet the legality of the school and following government policies is a must.
Bagimu Pre and Primary School, according to the latest findings tussled with Esteem Junior, Eliana Junior,others Little Havard and Bentley took the first to fourth position respectively.